Jewels from Heaven | Daily Devotionals Just 4 We
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Jewels from Heaven

I took a walk down a woodland trail,
without really expecting anything new.
A rustling in the leaves made me pause,
and wonder what was hidden from view.
I kneeled down and spotted a tiny, white flower,
so perfectly formed to bloom for just an hour.
Thank you, Lord, for showing it to me alone,
such a secret I would never have known.

God sends jewels from heaven,
when I stop long enough to see.
Rare and precious treasures,
to show how much He loves me.

Once, I ran to the edge of some trees,
with a heavy burden in my heart.
The scent of a warm, summer rain,
wafted by on a gentle breeze.
A brilliant, red cardinal came to call,
and sang a cheerful song just for me;
and to think, I could have missed it all.

God send jewels from heaven,
when I stop long enough to see.
Rare and precious treasures,
to show how much He loves me.

I stepped outside late one night,
for just a moment of peace and quiet.
The wind softly whispered to me.
The black, velvet sky held a crescent moon,
and a million silver stars gave their light.
I threw up my hands and praised you, Lord,
for this glimpse of beauty I might have ignored.

God send jewels from heaven,
when I stop long enough to see.
Rare and precious treasures,
to show how much He loves me.

by Gina Hatchell
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