Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty.” John 4:13-14 (NRSV)
FOLLOWING a weeklong trip, my wife and I were at our breakfast table gazing out at our porch and lawn. We noticed that our plants were withered and some even seemed to be dead from lack of water. I immediately watered all the plants and started to water the lawn. I thought, Maybe I can still salvage some of the plants.
A short time later, I noticed some of the plants had perked up. They looked as if they were full of life and had been watered all along. What a change!
This experience reminded me of how we humans can feel downtrodden, alone, and hopeless, sometimes relying solely on our own resources to solve our problems. Much like those withered plants, we cannot thrive without spiritual nourishment. We need the living water that only Christ can provide.
Just as the Samaritan woman was given the opportunity to receive the living water of eternal life, we too can receive this living water through faith in Jesus Christ.
Ruben G. Garza (Texas, U.S.A.)
O God, you are the life that sustains us all. Give us faith to drink deeply of the living water you offer. Amen.
The living water that Christ offers will keep our spirit alive and thriving.
FOLLOWING a weeklong trip, my wife and I were at our breakfast table gazing out at our porch and lawn. We noticed that our plants were withered and some even seemed to be dead from lack of water. I immediately watered all the plants and started to water the lawn. I thought, Maybe I can still salvage some of the plants.
A short time later, I noticed some of the plants had perked up. They looked as if they were full of life and had been watered all along. What a change!
This experience reminded me of how we humans can feel downtrodden, alone, and hopeless, sometimes relying solely on our own resources to solve our problems. Much like those withered plants, we cannot thrive without spiritual nourishment. We need the living water that only Christ can provide.
Just as the Samaritan woman was given the opportunity to receive the living water of eternal life, we too can receive this living water through faith in Jesus Christ.
Ruben G. Garza (Texas, U.S.A.)
O God, you are the life that sustains us all. Give us faith to drink deeply of the living water you offer. Amen.
The living water that Christ offers will keep our spirit alive and thriving.