God Saves - Part VI
By Robert H. Schuller
I remember as a child rubbing a furry, soft peach against my cheek. It felt so soft and good. But, when I turned the peach over, the backside was all raw and rough. It had been scraped by the scratchy splintered inside of a wooden bushel basket. As I looked at it I realized there was absolutely nothing I could do to restore its soft luster.
You can take a violet blossom that feels just like velvet. You can pluck it, throw it down and trample it under your foot. But, when you pick up the crushed velvety violet, nothing can restore it to its original beauty.
You cannot redeem or replace the scraped and bruised side of a fuzzy peach or crushed violet blossom. But, God can restore your soul like new again! It is possible! It is happening all the time!
That's what the whole story of Christianity is about. God sent His son Jesus Christ into this world. As he said in Luke 19:10, "The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost" (NASB).
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