Talking With God - Part I
By Robert H. Schuller
You have heard; See all this. And will you not declare it? I have made you hear new things from this time. -Isaiah 48:6
There are four kinds of prayer. One type of prayer is called petition. When you draft a request and go to God and say, "God, I want this," that's petition. For many people, this is the only kind of prayer they know.
How much of your praying would you estimate is spent in petition?
There is a second level of prayer called intercessory prayer, which means to intercede on the behalf of someone else. You pray for me and my needs, and I pray for you and your needs. We are both praying to God to help somebody else. This is intercession. How much of your praying would you estimate is spent in intercessory prayer?
There is a third kind of prayer called praise and worship. When people who know God, love God and are so thankful that they pour out their hearts in reverent words say, "Thank you, God," this is praise and worship.
How much of your praying would you estimate is spent in praise and worship?
But there is a fourth kind of prayer, Frank Laubach said, "Two-way prayer is the highest form of prayer." And that's the kind of prayer I want to consider with you the next few days.
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Thank you, Lord, for the exciting ideas You are sending into my mind right now.
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