Talking With God - Part III | Daily Devotionals Just 4 We
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Talking With God - Part III


Talking With God - Part III
By Robert H. Schuller

Be still, and know that I am God. -Psalm 46:10

I had never seen an avocado. Even though I went to college and took three years of postgraduate work, I had never heard of an avocado!

Then I moved to California and all kinds of people gave our family what I thought were the biggest, most luscious, most unusual pears I'd ever seen. I tried every way to eat them, but finally gave up and ended up throwing them away. Fortunately, someone finally discovered my ignorance and showed me how to enjoy eating an avocado.

So many people have thrown away prayer the same way I threw all those avocados away. They talk to God and it doesn't work. So, they just give up. Let me describe how you can enjoy the experience of two-way prayer:

Begin by relaxing, closing your eyes and blocking out the distractions of the eye and the world. Meditate and focus your mind on something or some scene that will calm you. Then, when you are relaxed, quietly wait until you feel the stillness of God's presence with you.

Now ask the Holy Spirit to control your thinking so that God's thoughts and ideas will come into your mind. Then begin, in a humble, expectant attitude to ask God questions. As you ask each question, pause and wait for God to answer your question.

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Lord, it's hard to shut off the noise around me, but I sense Your stillness and I am hearing Your voice. Thank you!

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