Listen To God's voice today | Daily Devotionals Just 4 We
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Listen To God's voice today

But Now is the Time

Never forget the warning, "Today if you hear God's voice speaking to you, do not harden your hearts against Him, as the people of Israel did when they rebelled against Him in the desert." –Hebrews 3:15

Have you ever taken God for granted? It really isn't that hard to do. You get caught up in the busyness of life these days and, first thing you know, you miss church one Sunday "just to rest," and then next Sunday the lawn needs mowing because it rained all week…and on and on it goes.

Take for example the story of a family who admitted that they had "put God on the back burner" …until tragedy struck.

It came "out of the blue," so to speak, as most tragedies do. The husband suffered a cardiac arrest on a parking lot. Paramedics worked with him and brought him back to life, but they said he would have brain damage.The family rallied around God in their time of crisis, and today this man's brain is not damaged. In fact, he's perfectly well. He's in church every week and faithfully serves God.

Sometimes we think we don't need God right now. We think we can wait until later in life. But you never know how long "later" will be or how much time you have.

Don't wait until tragedy strikes. Serve Jesus now and for the rest of your life" then if tragedy comes, you'll be ready for it. Meditate on and speak God's Word every day, and act on what God tells you to do as you listen to His voice.

Father, I confess that Jesus is Lord of my life. I refuse thoughts that tempt me to harden my heart against You. I won"t wait until tragedy strikes to seek You, and I will never take You for granted. I will obey You when You speak to me.

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