Daily Bread: Many People | Daily Devotionals Just 4 We
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Daily Bread: Many People

By David C. McCasland

Read: Acts 18:1-11
I have many people in this city. —Acts 18:10
Bible in a year:
Ruth 1-4; Luke 8:1-25

New York City. Easter Sunday, 7:30 a.m. I was the only customer at Jimmy’s Diner in East Harlem when a man entered and approached my table. He said, “Good morning, and God bless you,” left a gospel tract, and quickly walked out. I smiled, appreciating his witness and realizing that God has His people everywhere. That night I attended church with our daughter Debbie, joining an enthusiastic congregation of 300 people, most in their twenties and thirties. Their infectious love for Christ and others was a bright light in a city that is often considered spiritually dark.

In the first century, Paul visited the Greek city of Corinth, which was known for its immorality and corruption. When he faced opposition for presenting Jesus as Messiah, the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city” (Acts 18:9-10).

No matter where we go, the Lord’s people are there. The risen Christ is powerfully present in and through all who know Him. The Lord has His people where you are today. Look for them. Join them.

Christ is risen indeed!

When Christians join in blessed fellowship
Commemorating Jesus’ resurrection,
They sense a common bond of unity—
Their mutual faith in Him the true connection. —Hess
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