The Goodness Of The Lord | Daily Devotionals Just 4 We
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The Goodness Of The Lord

By David H. Roper

Read: Psalm 119:97-104

Oh, how I love Your law! —Psalm 119:97

Bible in a year:

Psalm 119:89-176; 1 Corinthians 8

Some years ago I came across a short essay written by Sir James Barrie, an English baron. In it he gives an intimate picture of his mother, who deeply loved God and His Word and who literally read her Bible to pieces. “It is mine now,” Sir James wrote, “and to me the black threads with which she stitched it are a part of the contents.”

My mother also loved God’s Word. She read and pondered it for 60 years or more. I keep her Bible on my bookshelf in a prominent place. It too is tattered and torn, each stained page marked with her comments and reflections. As a boy, I often walked into her room in the morning and found her cradling her Bible in her lap, poring over its words. She did so until the day she could no longer see the words on the page. Even then her Bible was the most precious book in her possession.

When Sir James’ mother grew old, she could no longer read the words of her Bible. Yet daily, her husband put her Bible in her hands, and she would reverently hold it there.

The psalmist wrote, “How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth” (119:103). Have you tasted the goodness of the Lord? Open your Bible today.

The Bible, the Bible! more precious than gold;

Glad hopes and bright glories its pages unfold;

It speaks of the Father and tells of His love,

And shows us the way to the mansions above. —Anon.

A well-read Bible is a sign of a well-fed soul.
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