Do It Yourself | Daily Devotionals Just 4 We
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Do It Yourself

By Randy Kilgore

Read: Mark 6:30-44

[Jesus] answered and said to them, “You give them something to eat.” —Mark 6:37

Bible in a year:

Psalms 94-96; Romans 15:14-33

You give them something to eat” (Mark 6:37). It’s easy to miss those words from Jesus. A huge crowd had gathered to hear Him. Late in the day, the disciples got nervous and started pressing Him to send them away (v.36). “You give them something to eat,” Jesus replied (v.37).

Why would He say that? John 6:6 says He was testing them. Did He want to see if they would trust Him to perform a miracle? Maybe, but it seems more likely He wanted His disciples involved in caring for the crowd, to be hands-on in working with and for Him. He then blessed what they brought to Him—five loaves of bread and two fish—and performed the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000.

I think Jesus uses those words with us too. A need pre-sents itself in the lives of those around us, and we bring it to Jesus in prayer. “You do something,” Jesus often says. “But, Lord,” we object, “we don’t have enough time or money or energy.” We’re wrong, of course. When Jesus asks us to get involved, He already knows how He will accomplish His work through us.

What we need is faith and vision—the ability to see that God wants us to be His instruments, and that He will supply what we need.

God uses us as instruments

To help someone in need,

So we must trust Him to supply

When following His lead. —Sper

When God says do it, He’s already planned the resources we need to accomplish the task.
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